Introduction to the chakras by Rose Dawn CHAKINT1.TXT ********************************************************************** Since chakra work is an important part of Tantric and yogic practices, I thought it might be a good idea to open the topic up for discussion. I've been thinking about a series of posts, probably also available as text files for download, regarding specific chakras, and to that end, will follow this post with an 'Introduction to Muladhara' type post. If you find it of interest, please let me know, and I'll follow up with Swadisthan, etc., through all the "Seven 'higher' Chakras." Comments, questions, personal experience, additional information are all most welcome. I'm just as interested in feedback from individuals with no knowledge of the Chakra system at all, as in that from Adepts who can educate me along with everyone else. I'm the moderatrix of the Tantra echo, but it isn't 'my' echo, so please jump on in, introduce topics, ask questions, share personal experiences...let me know what y'all want to see here! That said, a few comments about chakras in general can kick this potential thread off. What *are* chakras? Why should we care? "Chakra" is a Sanskrit word which means literally 'wheel' or 'circle.' They are usually described as centers or 'vortices' of energy which govern the entire condition of "being" within each individual...physical, emotional, mental, psychic, spiritual. Subtle, or 'mini' chakras exist throughout the entire physical/aethyric body, but there are fourteen *major* chakras, 7 'lower' and 7 'higher',' which together make up a complete microcosm. These chakras are assigned approximate 'locations' within the physical body which correspond to nerve plexi, ganglia and glands; however, the real 'locations' of these energy vortices are within the aethyric, or subtle 'body.' They serve to unite the physical/earthly body with its subtle/spiritual counterpart, rather than emphasizing the body/spirit dichotomy. Each of the chakras corresponds to, or resonates with, specific states of consciousness. As the chakras 'open', the individual experiences a deeper, richer understanding of the nature of consciousness contained within or represented by the chakra in question. Although separate, they are all inter-related. A 'blockage' in one chakra will affect the quality of the energy contained within others, subtly or dramatically. These 'blocks' may be of a purely physical, emotional, or spiritual nature, or any combination thereof. They can also be un-blocked, or released, on any or all of these levels; thus healing the body, mind, and spirit, and enabling one to move on. As with the Qabalistic 'Tree of Life,' just about everything imaginable has been associated with one chakra or another at various times. The common threads associate certain 'things' or qualities with each chakra; including an element, a color, a _guna_ <'quality,' there being three, _tamas_ with the nature of density, contraction, inertia, and solidity; _rajas_ with the nature of energy, passion, enthusiasm, movement; and _sattwa_, 'sweet,' pervasive, receptive, expansive>, a _bija_ or seed-syllable which vibrates or resonates in tune with the energy of the chakra, two Deities, male and female, who symbolize the nature of the energy of the chakra in which they 'reside,' a Lotus flower with a certain number of petals, the number also representing qualities of the chakra, an animal or creature, ditto, and a _yantra_ or geometric diagram specifically realted to a function of the chakra. The Seven 'lower' chakras whirl widdershins , and begin *below* the base of the spine. They are considered purely 'earthly' in nature, and deal with qualities inherent in human beings, which are usually considered unpleasant, undesirable, even dangerous. The value in working with these 'lower chakras' comes from looking the reality of 'negative' qualities square in the face, recognizing that these states exist at least in *potential* within all of us, and then working to deal with these states so that they don't lie latent, ready to spring up and catch you unaware, as tends to happen when they are ignored or denied. The lower seven are called _atala_, which governs fear of an irrational, pervasive nature--a lack of courage. No guts, no glory! _Vitala_ governs raging anger, fits of temper without just cause, the typical 'passive-aggressive' personality disorder, storing up resentment then suddenly exploding and taking it out on who/whatever happens to be handy at the moment. _Sutala_ governs vengeance taken out of jealousy or petty movites; _talatala_ prolonged mental confusion which lingers, rather than the transient "Duuuuh!" type of confusion which we've all experienced from time to time. _Rasatala_ governs selfishness and self-centeredness, the 'need' to be the center of attention and to have one's way without regard to the big picture. _Mahatala_ governs sociopathy, or lack of the quality of empathy, the ability to feel another's pain; and _patala_ governs murder and murderous impulses, and a tendency to violence. The seven 'higher' chakras whirl in a deosil manner, and are located along the spinal cord and brain, beginning with _Muladhara_, located at the perineum or base of spine. Contrary to some western interpretations, Muladhara is *not* a 'lower chakra.' The energy contained therein is just as Divine as that of Sahasrara, the 'Thousand-Petalled Lotus' at and above the crown of the head. Muladhara is intimately connected to the second chakra, _Swadisthan_, located at the approximate region of the internal genitalia of both men and women. _Muladhara_ contains basic life energy; _Swadisthan_ 'sexual energy.' At root, the two are identical. My personal take is that _Muladhara_ contains the energy that makes me alive and human; _Swadisthan_ the energy that makes me alive, human, and *female*. _Manipura_ is the 'power' or 'Solar' chakra, located at the solar plexus. It governs the Will, vitality, personal empowerment. Anahata is the heart chakra, and rules emotion on a more exalted plain than mere 'emotionalism.' Love, commitment, devotion, a sense of union or unity are associated with Anahata. The Visuddhi Chakra is located at the throat region, and governs communication, especially of a non-verbal nature. Ajna is located in the forehead, between and slightly above the eyebrows, at the region of the 'Third Eye,' and rules visualization, the astral and higher planes, psychic abilities. Finally, _Sahasrara_, the crown chakra, is located at and *above* the crown of the head, and represents transcendent consciousness, 'Enlightenment.' The Systems do not stop at Sahasrara--there are states of consciousness above 'Enlightenment,' usually not discussed because most people don't reach them. _Muladhara_ is the 'natural abode' of Sakthi, the Feminine Force, contained within _Kundalini_, symbolized as a coiled serpent, latent power ready to rise and pierce the chakras, transforming the energy of each, on her journey toward _Sahasrara_, the 'natural abode' of Siva, the Masculine Force. The union of Siva and Sakthi in the Sahasrara Chakra is the traditional goal of 'kundalini yoga,' bringing about a state of transcendent, enlightened consciousness which surpasses any usual human condition. The energy is transported through the physical and subtle bodies by _Nadis_, "channels" or "conduits." Tradition speaks of approximately 72,000 Nadis within each individual; however, of these, three are most crucial: _Ida_, or "Chandra Nadi", which is white in color and has a 'feminine' or 'lunar' current, and runs in a downward motion on the left side of the body; _Pingala_, or "Surya Nadi," which is red and has a 'masculine' and 'solar' current, and runs upward on the right side of the body. _Ida_ governs physical and emotional energy; _Pingala_ intellectual and mental energy. Finally, _Susumna_, the Central Nadi which runs through the center of the spinal column, and is a combination of the feminine/masculine, solar/lunar, emotional/intellectual, physical/mental currents of Ida and Pingala. _Susumna_ runs from the base of _Muladhara_ to the base of _Sahasrara_, it is where Ida and Pingala meet and mix, and is the 'Royal Road' that the Kundalini energy passes through, transforming the energy of the chakras from one potentiality to another. This is "the power by which men become gods." The above information is extremely basic, and will be enlarged upon to some extent in the individual Chakra posts to follow, if anyone's interested. Comments and questions about this basic info are extremely welcome and encouraged! Aum Namah Sivaya Namah Aum.