OOBE(podsnet echo)Date:12-18-95,From: Rhohan,To:Immortal Subject: Astral Projection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have an exercise for you. I looked through some books and found something that might work. Sit relaxed in a chair, play NON-VOCAL relaxing music, soft music, meditative music. Perhaps something etherial. ANyways, sit, and relax your mind, let the music carry it about, this will lower you to alpha state. Don't get worried about what will happen, or how much you wanna get out of your body, just relax, let whatever happen happen. View yourself glowly with a white light, a relaxing white light, protecting, and radiating safety, and positivity. Then begin to REALLY relax your body, starting at your feet, feel them relax, and your conciousness crumbling away from them, and gathering like a mist in your upper body. In this manner, relax your whole body, until your head is full of your conciousness, and then pull it out of your head. Now experiences are so very different for different people, don't worry, you are safe, and don't worry if you cannot see your body, some people never do, or can. Just let it happen. Visualize a garden, and travel to it, and just relax in it, feel the cold water of a fountain, or smell a rose. You may find that your sences are incredibly sharp, or the sensations are extremely pleasurable. ENJOY IT! welcome to the realms beyond the body, the world of spirit, the other half of the physical world. I really hope that this helps you, if not, don't worry, we will do our best, and learn together. Good luck, and may you be blessed by this, one of the most beautifull experiences. --Rhohan--