Time cycles and the I Ching [part 11] TIMELINE.TXT *********************************************************************** THE TIMELINE. A hexagram is not a static form. It symbolizes a moment of frozen time. As time moves on so the hexagram changes. The full cycle of change is from a hexagram to it's structural opposite. But there are steps inbetween; There are points of balance. For each hexagram, one can locate it's movement by:- (1) Interpreting the current state as a point of balance. (2) Assigning the top trigram position as FUTURE, and the bottom trigram position as PAST. Each trigram has either evolved from it's opposite (Bottom) , or, is evolving into it's opposite (top). (3) The current hexagram's PAST trigram has therefore evolved from it's opposite. Create a hexagram with the current top trigram over the opposite of the base trigram. This is where we have come from or are moving away from. (4) The current hexagram's FUTURE trigram is therefore evolving into it's opposite. Create a hexagram with the current bottom trigram under the opposite of the current top trigram. This is where we are going or moving towards. (5) If we group all the sets we find that we can create sets of four hexagrams that cover full circles e.g. 01 --> 11 --> 12 --> 02 --> 01 ... Each pair of complements are the balance points of the other pair. e.g. [01,02] complement and therefore balance [11,12]. [11,12] are the structural balance points of the trigrams within [01,02]. The relationship of each set to the other can be treated both structurally and procedurally; the latter manifest in a movement around the circle and the former as one pair opposite and therefore balancing the other: 01 | | 11--------+--------12 | | 02 There is a common theme here in that these two modes of interpretation (balance/circumvent) are reflected in the traditional diagrams of early(opposite/balance/still) and late(circumvent/move) heaven, and continue the manifestation of the structural and the procedural wrapped into one. By adding the concept of time, we can map these circles in the form of sine waves. In this we find that, for any set of pairs, the direction of movement changes. For example, in the pair 1,2 the direction of movement is left to right (Clockwise on the circle), whereas in the pair 11,12 the movement is right to left(Anti-Clockwise on the circle), although the order of the hexagrams is fixed for both. The sine wave is a template onto which we can place hexagram sequences. We can form a 12 point template thus: *04 / \ / \ *03 *05 / \ / \ *02 *06 / \ / \ / --*01---------------*07---------------*01-- / \ / \ / *08 *12 \ / \ / *09 *11 \ / \ / *10 A sine wave template Having derived the quartet patterns, one can insert other hexagrams within the sequence. For example, in the group (1,2,11,12) which is ordered 12 <-> 01 <-> 11 <-> 02, we can introduce hexagrams that are structurally inbetween the primary hexagrams of the group. This gives us the sequence (left to right) 12,33,44,01,43,34,11,19,24,02,23,20,12,... We find that this specific sequence infact consists of the twelve hexagrams traditionally associated with the seasons, the standard order of which is 19,11,34,43,01,44,33,12,20,23,02,24. In this sequence January is associated with hexagram 19 and December associated with hexagram 24 (Northern Hemisphere). This sequence 'maps' onto the sine wave starting at position 8 for hexagram 19, and then moves right to left, backwards in our language. It is possible to create a sequence for each group of four hexagrams, which, as we will see, gives us a unique ordering of the hexagrams onto which can be overlaid the sine wave. Using the sine wave, the maxima (peak) and minima (trough) are associated with the current pair under review, with the 'balanced' pair being on the x-axis. The sine wave acts as a template of time in order of : balance-increase-peak-decrease-balance-decrease-trough-increase-balance The increase/decrease markers are reversible on direction. Having come up with the sets of four hexagrams, I recalled a diagram and some comments regarding 'mutating hexagrams'. This is in chapter 9 of Diana ffarington Hook's book "The I Ching and Mankind". She gives as her reference the work of W.A.Sherrill titled "Heritage of Change" (I have some of his work with W.K.Chu but not this text). The diagram used gives the order for hexagram 01 as: 01,44,33,12,20,23,02,24,19,11,34,43,01. As we can see, this is the same order as I have used but with a different start point, it moves backwards, and there is no sinosodial emphasis. By mapping to a sine wave the cycle of behaviour becomes more apparent. Note that this sequence moves backwards whereas in my sequence, for 01, we move forwards. Closer examination shows that Sherrill's sequence results from the changing of line position values, one at a time, from the bottom up through a full cycle (originating hexagram to originating hexagram). For example in Hook/Sherrill's sequence for hexagram 11 the same process as for 01 is performed, starting with a root hexagram, each line is changed from the bottom up giving a sequence of hexagrams.i.e. 11 ,46,15,02,16,45,12,25,10,01,09,26,11 root change line: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Change line 1 of 11 gives 46. Change line 2 of 46 gives 15 etc. Hook/Sherrill's diagram gives this pattern for all hexagrams as roots. The sine wave sequences are subtly different in that some work top down (e.g. the 01 set) and others bottom up. Furthermore, there is a variation of this in that the group analysis work shows sets of 4 hexagrams that can join other sets. For example, in the 1,2,10,12 set, group analysis shows (see chapter 1 page 20) an association with the 10,15,19,33 set. This suggests an eight point sine wave: *01 / \ / \ / \ *15 *19 / \ / \ start / \ / --*12-------------*11-------------*--- / \ / \ / \ / *10 *33 \ / \ / \ / *02 An eight point sine wave template This reflect the 'flow' of highs and lows. As the wave moves to the left (or right) the next point becomes the maxima and it's complement the minima. (e.g. In the above, if the wave moves left one point then 15 becomes the maxima and it's complement 10 the minima. This causes the other balancing pair, 19 and 33, to take on the 'balance' points on the 'x' axis replacing 11 and 12). From this analysis we can create a full sequence: 12, 15, 01, 19, 11, 10, 02, 33, 12,... From the group analysis, the above numbers associate with the BALANCE line of the groups. This is complemented by the LIKENESS line. Therefore we can create a sixteen hexagram sequence: 12,15,01,19,11,10,02,33,12 44,07,25,36,24,13,46,06,44 44,12,07,15,25,01,36,19,24,11,13,10,46,02,06,33,44,... For now I will continue with the sine wave as I have mapped it. I place the balance hexagrams along the x-axis. With Sherrill's concepts, I have added the relevant sequence to the details on each hexagram, and it is of interest to note that Sherrill's sequences can be mapped to the sine wave with the same behaviour in that each point on the y-axis (vertical) when extended through the wave has two intersect points that are numerically in sequence ((11,12), (44,43) etc). To get Sherrill's sequences (which are relative to each hexagram rather than groups of balanced fours) to map to a sine wave and maintain the balance concepts, we allocate the 12 sine wave positions in the following order for all of Sherrill's sets: 04 03 02 01 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 .. This methodology categorizes the current hexagram and it's complement as the maxima/minima regardless of their 'fixed' nature. Furthermore, if we take the sequence associated with hexagram pair 1,2 as a template, then each hexagram in each sequence is that sequence's 'mirror' of the template. For example, in the first sequence, hexagram 19 (Approach) symbolizes January if we interpret the sequence as the set of calendar hexagrams. In this context, in any sequence, the hexagram at sine position 08 relates to the whole sequence as does the january hexagram to the other calendar hexagrams (the near end of winter prior to the crossing (11 - stillness with potential) into the coming summer. This path moves backwards. At the height of summer (01) the return of winter is the return of the contractive (yin) through 44 and then 33 and then the crossing into the winter phase through 12 (Stillness only) heading down to 02. To use the southern hemisphere we just need to swap the calendar associations (19 becomes associated with July.). In this context, the sequence for hexagram 03 has hexagram 30 in the sine's 08 position. Prior to crossing into the 'easier' ground (through 14 - management) we have a guide. For each sequence, therefore, mapping it onto the sine wave, the sine positions 01 and 07 are interpreted as the crossover points for the sequence.) A possible wave nature for events can be the unification of different wave phases. In chapter 1 we introduced the trigram arrangement of King Wen. This is cyclic in form in that one starts in the sign of the Arousing and move clockwise. This format seems to be derived from an ancient I Ching commentary (The Shuo Kua - Discussion of the Trigrams) in which paragraph 5 reads: "5. God comes forth in the sign of the Arousing; he brings things to completion in the sign of the Gentle; he causes creatures to perceive one another in the sign of the Clinging(light); he causes them to serve one another in the sign of the Receptive. He gives them joy in the sign of the Joyous; he battles in the sign of the Creative; he toils in the sign of the Abysmal; he brings them to perfection in the sign of Keeping Still." This quote is from R.Wilhelm's translation (p268). Other translations interpret 'God' to read 'Lord' or 'Sage' and there is an extended version of the first statement which reads " [God] comes forth, with his creation, in the sign of the Arousing". As we shall see the commentary comes into it's own when we use the binary sequence together with the MBTI and the extended version of the first phrase will seem the more appropriate. TIMELINE SEQUENCES OF THE HEXAGRAMS. In the following, the author's sine wave sequence appears first followed by Sherrill's sequence. Sine wave sequence 12 33 44 01 43 34 11 19 24 02 23 20 12 Sherrill's sequence 01 44 33 12 20 23 02 24 19 11 34 43 01 Sine Wave Sequence 12 33 44 01 43 34 11 19 24 02 23 20 12 Sherrill's Sequence 02 24 19 11 34 43 01 44 33 12 20 23 02 Sine Wave Sequence 48 29 08 03 42 27 21 30 14 50 32 28 48 Sherrill's Sequence 03 08 29 48 28 32 50 14 30 21 27 42 03 Sine Wave Sequence 22 27 41 04 07 29 47 28 31 49 13 30 22 Sherrill's Sequence 04 41 27 22 30 13 49 31 28 47 29 07 04 Sine Wave Sequence 08 39 48 05 09 26 14 38 21 35 16 45 08 Sherrill's Sequence 05 48 39 08 45 16 35 21 38 14 26 09 05 Sine Wave Sequence 13 25 10 06 47 40 07 46 15 36 22 37 13 Sherrill's Sequence 06 10 25 13 37 22 36 15 46 07 40 47 06 Sine Wave Sequence 13 25 10 06 47 40 07 46 15 36 22 37 13 Sherrill's Sequence 07 19 24 36 55 49 13 33 44 06 59 04 07 Sine Wave Sequence 08 39 48 05 09 26 14 38 21 35 16 45 08 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 08 03 60 05 43 34 14 50 56 35 23 20 08 Sine Wave Sequence 20 53 57 09 05 11 34 54 51 16 35 12 20 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 09 57 53 20 12 35 16 51 54 34 11 05 09 Sine Wave Sequence 33 12 06 10 58 54 19 11 36 15 52 53 33 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 10 06 12 33 53 52 15 36 11 19 54 58 10 Sine Wave Sequence 12 33 44 01 43 34 11 19 24 02 23 20 12 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 11 46 15 02 16 45 12 25 10 01 09 26 11 Sine Wave Sequence 12 33 44 01 43 34 11 19 24 02 23 20 12 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 12 25 10 01 09 26 11 46 15 02 16 45 12 Sine Wave Sequence 13 25 10 06 47 40 07 46 15 36 22 37 13 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 13 33 44 06 59 04 07 19 24 36 55 49 13 Sine Wave Sequence 08 39 48 05 09 26 14 38 21 35 16 45 08 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 14 50 56 35 23 20 08 03 60 05 43 34 14 Sine Wave Sequence 33 12 06 10 58 54 19 11 36 15 52 53 33 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 15 36 11 19 54 58 10 06 12 33 53 52 15 Sine Wave Sequence 20 53 57 09 05 11 34 54 51 16 35 12 20 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 16 51 54 34 11 05 09 57 53 20 12 35 16 Sine Wave Sequence 28 47 45 17 25 21 27 22 26 18 46 48 28 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 17 45 47 28 48 46 18 26 22 27 21 25 17 Sine Wave Sequence 28 47 45 17 25 21 27 22 26 18 46 48 28 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 18 26 22 27 21 25 17 45 47 28 48 46 18 Sine Wave Sequence 33 12 06 10 58 54 19 11 36 15 52 53 33 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 19 07 02 15 62 31 33 13 01 10 61 41 19 Sine Wave Sequence 20 53 57 09 05 11 34 54 51 16 35 12 20 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 20 42 61 09 01 14 34 32 62 16 02 08 20 Sine Wave Sequence 48 29 08 03 42 27 21 30 14 50 32 28 48 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 21 35 64 50 18 57 48 05 63 03 17 51 21 Sine Wave Sequence 22 27 41 04 07 29 47 28 31 49 13 30 22 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 22 52 18 04 64 06 47 58 17 49 63 36 22 Sine Wave Sequence 26 41 27 23 02 08 45 31 28 43 01 14 26 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 23 27 41 26 14 01 43 28 31 45 08 02 23 Sine Wave Sequence 46 07 02 24 27 42 25 13 01 44 28 32 46 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 24 02 07 46 32 28 44 01 13 25 42 27 24 Sine Wave Sequence 46 07 02 24 27 42 25 13 01 44 28 32 46 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 25 12 06 44 57 18 46 11 36 24 51 17 25 Sine Wave Sequence 26 41 27 23 02 08 45 31 28 43 01 14 26 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 26 18 52 23 35 12 45 17 58 43 05 11 26 Sine Wave Sequence 28 47 45 17 25 21 27 22 26 18 46 48 28 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 27 23 04 18 50 44 28 43 49 17 03 24 27 Sine Wave Sequence 28 47 45 17 25 21 27 22 26 18 46 48 28 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 28 43 49 17 03 24 27 23 04 18 50 44 28 Sine Wave Sequence 63 03 60 29 59 04 64 50 56 30 55 49 63 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 29 60 03 63 49 55 30 56 50 64 04 59 29 Sine Wave Sequence 63 03 60 29 59 04 64 50 56 30 55 49 63 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 30 56 50 64 04 59 29 60 03 63 49 55 30 Sine Wave Sequence 58 43 49 31 33 56 52 23 04 41 19 60 58 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 31 49 43 58 60 19 41 04 23 52 56 33 31 Sine Wave Sequence 51 55 34 32 50 44 57 59 20 42 03 24 51 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 32 34 55 51 24 03 42 20 59 57 44 50 32 Sine Wave Sequence 33 12 06 10 58 54 19 11 36 15 52 53 33 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 33 13 01 10 61 41 19 07 02 15 62 31 33 Sine Wave Sequence 20 53 57 09 05 11 34 54 51 16 35 12 20 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 34 32 62 16 02 08 20 42 61 09 01 14 34 Sine Wave Sequence 08 39 48 05 09 26 14 38 21 35 16 45 08 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 35 21 38 14 26 09 05 48 39 08 45 16 35 Sine Wave Sequence 13 25 10 06 47 40 07 46 15 36 22 37 13 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 36 15 46 07 40 47 06 10 25 13 37 22 36 Sine Wave Sequence 59 57 53 37 63 36 55 51 54 40 64 06 59 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 37 53 57 59 06 64 40 54 51 55 36 63 37 Sine Wave Sequence 56 35 64 38 54 58 60 05 63 39 53 52 56 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 38 64 35 56 52 53 39 63 05 60 58 54 38 Sine Wave Sequence 56 35 64 38 54 58 60 05 63 39 53 52 56 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 39 63 05 60 58 54 38 64 35 56 52 53 39 Sine Wave Sequence 59 57 53 37 63 36 55 51 54 40 64 06 59 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 40 54 51 55 36 63 37 53 57 59 06 64 40 Sine Wave Sequence 58 43 49 31 33 56 52 23 04 41 19 60 58 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 41 04 23 52 56 33 31 49 43 58 60 19 41 Sine Wave Sequence 51 55 34 32 50 44 57 59 20 42 03 24 51 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 42 20 59 57 44 50 32 34 55 51 24 03 42 Sine Wave Sequence 26 41 27 23 02 08 45 31 28 43 01 14 26 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 43 28 31 45 08 02 23 27 41 26 14 01 43 Sine Wave Sequence 46 07 02 24 27 42 25 13 01 44 28 32 46 (Moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 44 01 13 25 42 27 24 02 07 46 32 28 44 Sine Wave Sequence 26 41 27 23 02 08 45 31 28 43 01 14 26 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 45 17 58 43 05 11 26 18 52 23 35 12 45 Sine Wave Sequence 46 07 02 24 27 42 25 13 01 44 28 32 46 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 46 11 36 24 51 17 25 12 06 44 57 18 46 Sine Wave Sequence 22 27 41 04 07 29 47 28 31 49 13 30 22 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 47 58 17 49 63 36 22 52 18 04 64 06 47 Sine Wave Sequence 48 29 08 03 42 27 21 30 14 50 32 28 48 (moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 48 05 63 03 17 51 21 35 64 50 18 57 48 Sine Wave Sequence 22 27 41 04 07 29 47 28 31 49 13 30 22 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 49 31 28 47 29 07 04 41 27 22 30 13 49 Sine Wave Sequence 48 29 08 03 42 27 21 30 14 50 32 28 48 (moves left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 50 14 30 21 27 42 03 08 29 48 28 32 50 Sine Wave Sequence 51 55 34 32 50 44 57 59 20 42 03 24 51 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 51 16 40 32 46 48 57 09 37 42 25 21 51 Sine Wave Sequence 58 43 49 31 33 56 52 23 04 41 19 60 58 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 52 22 26 41 38 10 58 47 45 31 39 15 52 Sine Wave Sequence 61 09 37 53 39 15 62 16 40 54 38 10 61 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 53 37 09 61 10 38 54 40 16 62 15 39 53 Sine Wave Sequence 61 09 37 53 39 15 62 16 40 54 38 10 61 (Moving left to right) Sherrill's Sequence 54 40 16 62 15 39 53 37 09 61 10 38 54 Sine Wave Sequence 59 57 53 37 63 36 55 51 54 40 64 06 59 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 55 62 32 40 07 29 59 61 42 37 13 30 55 Sine Wave Sequence 56 35 64 38 54 58 60 05 63 39 53 52 56 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 56 30 14 38 41 61 60 29 08 39 31 62 56 Sine Wave Sequence 51 55 34 32 50 44 57 59 20 42 03 24 51 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 57 09 37 42 25 21 51 16 40 32 46 48 57 Sine Wave Sequence 58 43 49 31 33 56 52 23 04 41 19 60 58 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 58 47 45 31 39 15 52 22 26 41 38 10 58 Sine Wave Sequence 59 57 53 37 63 36 55 51 54 40 64 06 59 (Moves right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 59 61 42 37 13 30 55 62 32 40 07 29 59 Sine Wave Sequence 56 35 64 38 54 58 60 05 63 39 53 52 56 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 60 29 08 39 31 62 56 30 14 38 41 61 60 Sine Wave Sequence 61 09 37 53 39 15 62 16 40 54 38 10 61 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 61 59 20 53 33 56 62 55 34 54 19 60 61 Sine Wave Sequence 61 09 37 53 39 15 62 16 40 54 38 10 61 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 62 55 34 54 19 60 61 59 20 53 33 56 62 Sine Wave Sequence 63 03 60 29 59 04 64 50 56 30 55 49 63 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 63 39 48 29 47 40 64 38 21 30 22 37 63 Sine Wave Sequence 63 03 60 29 59 04 64 50 56 30 55 49 63 (Moving right to left) Sherrill's Sequence 64 38 21 30 22 37 63 39 48 29 47 40 64 ------------------------------------------------------------- Diana Diamond