MORNING MEDITATION TIME DAWN.TXT *********************************************************************** "The best time for meditation is in the early morning. The first order of business in the morning is rising. As already mentioned, one should rise before sunrise. Why should one rise before sunrise? This is the most harmonious time as it is the most physically, mentally and spiritually balancing period of the day. About ninety minutes before dawn, and again one half hour before dawn, there is a surge of energy which takes place. It is at this second surge that the balance of the body is established and the blood chemistry is set up for the day. By being awake, cleansed and aware it will augment this balancing and lead to a happier day with more stamina and equilibrium. [The above text is from a Kundalini Yoga sourse written by a Master.] [In my humble opinion: If one is in meditation when the second energy surge occurs, much more benefit is obtained from the meditation. If one is in deep meditation when the second surge occurs the amount of Shakti (Devine energy) energy absorbed by the person in meditation is much greater.] -- ganashyam das