PSYCHIC PROTECTION PROTECT5.TXT ********************************************************************** Is there a need for psychic protection ? There are conflicting views about this subject. We will share the information we have available about this and those who read this text may make up their own mind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We live in a universe containing many various energies. These energies are impacting our "human system" 24 hours a day. Some of these energies are perceptable by our physical senses and some are not. Some of these energies are measurable by scientific devises and some are not. It is a logical assumption that all energies that impact the "human system" have some effect on us. If we can believe those who claim to have psychic abilities; all humans emit energies, physical and psychic, both positive and negative. And there are are beings, human and otherwise who exist without having a physical body that some can see with their psychic eyes. There are well documented cases of what is called possession by out of body beings. Many people have had the experience of meeting someone who just "feels" bad to us, causes us to be feel uncomfortable when in their physical presence. There are well documented cases of poltergist activity, physical events proportedly caused by an out of body being, or ghost. Each human appears to have a psychic immune system, just as they have a physical immune system. The psychic immune system normally blocks negative psychic energies from entering us. It also blocks an out of body being from entering us. There are times when our psychic immune system lowers or temporarily ceases to function. When a person has a very high body temperature from illness, when under very strong stress or experiencing very strong emotions, when having sex, when engaging in what some call magik, when one invites a out of body being to communicate directly with us, or enter us. It is a logical assumption that all energies that impact the "human system have some effect on us. So this author believes that most people would prefer to block out any negative energy that is around them and absorb any positive energy that is there.