REIKI MUDRAS REIKI2.TXT *********************************************************************** Hand Positions for Receiving Distant Attunement Hand Positions For Distant Attunement Students It is important to learn these hand positions as well as the "Tree of Life" meditation and the breathing techniques prior to your attunement. Practice these every day until the time of your attunement. The Mudra and the breathing technique are used throughout your Reiki training during attunements, meditations, and treatments. During your attunement, you will need to fold your hands in a position refereed to as "Mudra One", scene here the photograph. This hand position actually allows a greater amount of spiritual energy to flow through your body. It is important to be comfortable and familiar with this hand position during your attunement so you are not distracted by attempting to place your hands into this position. Practice this position daily until your attunement to gain familiarity with it. Thumbs and index fingers are held close together but not touching, close enough for only a piece of paper to pass between them. The rest of the fingers are folded inside. Close your eyes and keep them closed throughout the attunement process. Keep your back straight and comfortable. Breath in very slowly. Count to 15 in your mind: one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc. while breathing in to get an idea of the slow pace. Once you're comfortable with the pace, stop counting and clear your mind as much as possible. When you have breathed in as far as you can, momentarily hold the breath and then begin breathing out at the same slow pace. Once you have breathed out as much as you can, hold momentarily and begin breathing in again, slowly. Make sure your back is straight while you are breathing. Continue to breath like this while you do the Tree of Life Meditation Read the meditation through several times if you are not familiar with this meditation. This meditation is intended to help you ground and center prior to your attunement. If you already have a technique for grounding and centering that can be done while holding Mudra One, please feel free to use what you already are familiar with. Your Reiki master will be doing similar things to begin preparation for sending the attunement. For the Attunement: After you have centered and grounded, you will feel a shift in the energy as the attunement begins. After a few minutes, you will raise your hands to the top of your head as shown in this photo. Keep your hands on top of your head for a few minutes, until you feel the shift in energy is complete. Then, move your hands down in front of you, with your palms open and facing upward, as shown in this photo. You will sense some things happening again, and when you feel the energy shift is complete, return to the Mudra One hand position. Again, you will feel some energy flowing. When you feel the energy shift again, place your hands back into the original position. When you feel the connection is broken, place your hands on your knees and open your eyes. Give yourself plenty of time to adjust to the new energy. Have some water to drink near you, as many are thirsty after an attunement. It is also a good idea to have some fruit or other good, clean food to break your fast with as soon as you feel like moving around. There is no hurry. Experience the newness of things as long as you like. Later, be sure to journal your attunement experience. This is a great place to start your journal!