| / |/ | / |/ | | | Name: FEOH FEHU FAIHU Letter (sound): F (Face) Meaning: Cattle Colour: Green Number: 1 Dates: July 20 - August 4 Season: Fire Direction: SouthWest The shape of the rune is like the horned head of a cow. Since cattle are movable possesions and were used to pay debts the early meaning was submerged by the concept of wealth. It is associated with the concept of possessions and honour. Great wealth enabled a man to make rich presents which won him much reknown. The abstraction of wealth includes moral resolve and the gift of foresight among its meanings. In the Hebrew alphabet the first letter is Aleph, meaning ox. This indicates that cattle were still the primary indicator of wealth and power at the time the Hebrew script was developed. The beast of burden and, by association, the qualities that characterize cattle. That which is domestic and mild. Of a broken spirit. Slavish, stupid, slow. To be used and owned by a freeman. Cowardly. Movable possessions. Wealth. Money. Servility. Bondage. Prosperity. Material possessions. To cast lots. Use: To get help. Spell: Wealth is a comfort to one and all, but he must share it who hopes to cast his lot for judgement before the lord. Charm: I know those lays Which no ruler's wife knows, Nor any man's son. Help one is called, And it will help you Against sorrows and trials And every grief there is. FEOH is a midieval agrarian community with a squalid village of about two dozen huts outside the walls of a castle. Everything has a dismal, soiled look and the people walk with their heads bowed. The spirit of FEOH is the overseer, a great bulk of a man with a bellowing voice and a whip. He is filthy, his black hair matted, his eyes blinking with stupidity. In the beginning was the great ox, Adumla From her blood, the fruits of the earth From her hide, the roof of the sky From her bones, the mountains From her milk, the sea When she lowed, the sorrow in her voice Shook the world like a vast, hollow bell For she was naked, and alone The fire ran to her, and danced in her womb from her mouth issued a thundering river of voices That shook the floor of ice and shattered it Thus came the primal Spring