SURYA NAMASKAR (Salutation to the Sun) by: Prema Maddrell The postures of classical hatha yoga originated in ancient times while saints were immersed in deepest contemplation. From the heart of that experience there would sometimes arise a corresponding physical expression--a posture. Being so in tune with the body's subtle energies, these saints would inwardly experience how the postures were increasing the flow of their life force through one combination of subtle nerve channels or another, causing specific results and benefits throughout the entire human instrument. Later these poses developed into their own system or "science" called hatha yoga. Its goal was to utilize these same poses discovered in meditation, in an effort to reproduce the inner experience of meditation--an effort to recreate the inner environment from the outer setting. The effort spent in hatha yoga bearS fruit: de-toxifying and strengthening the physical body, refining the emotions and making the mind calm. NOTE: (SALUTATION TO THE SUN IS BUT THE BEGINNING PART OF HATHA YOGA, BUT IT BY ITS SELF WILL BRING MUCH TO A PERSON WHO PRACTICES IT.) Why do hatha yoga? Baba used to say that these powerful poses purify and strengthen one in order to help contain the power of the awakened Kundalini. Working at a very deep level the postures are able to effect and alter energy patterns on all planes of our being. A shift in the stagnant energy of a clogged colon is felt, on another level, as a letting go of old, limiting thoughts. The expansion of a constricted, asthmatic chest might be felt as a removal of fear and an opening of the heart. Toxins and accumulated mucus are expelled as the physical body begins to rejuvenate through the newly balanced energy. Just as these energy patterns reflect our mental patterns and conditioning, shifts in our energy also gradually change our limiting patterns of thoughts and feelings. The tension and fear which create and perpetuate unhealthy conditions begin to break down and loosen their grip on us. "Surya Namaskar", which literally means, "Sun Salutation," is composed of 12 of these subtly powerful postures set in a dynamic form. It was first executed by an Indian siddha king. On rising in the morning, he would perform "Surya Namaskar" as a physical prayer or worship to the rising sun. Repeating the sequence a number of times has far-reaching benefits and is exhilarating as well!! The practice of "Surya Namaskar" was highly regarded by Baba. He would teach it to the young people around him and have them practice it rigorously, early each morning. Gurumayi has said that "Surya Namaskar" is complete in itself. It tones every muscle in the body, and the full performance of one sequence gives you everything you need. It doesn't need a supplement. One avid practitioner says, "It's the best exercise for loosening up and overall strengthening I have found." Another says, "When I first wake up it makes my mind alert." Gurumayi says that if you find it hard to get up early, try doing "Surya Namaskar" upon waking. You will have begun to develop a habit and the next time it will be easier and you will feel less sluggish. Still another follower says, "Quite frankly, it's hard to keep going through the rounds sometimes. It's like jogging, where I have to keep going and break through a `wall'--then I feel like I'm really flying!" What's more, it's portable! This practice requires no equipment and very little space or time. A mere 10 rounds daily can mean the difference between an unhealthy, inactive body and a well-functioning, agile one. Of all its powerful benefits, foremost, is the stilling of the mind and the regulating of the breath in preparation for meditation. One person I spoke to said it maintains his back in a firm, healthy state so that it doesn't give him trouble. He said that when he does "Surya Namaskar" late in the afternoon, it "clears away the stagnant energy which causes exhaustion at the end of the day. It loosens that energy; breaks it apart, and works outwardly on the tendencies my muscles have to cramp and stiffen. But even more than all this, it feels fantastic! It gives me a feeling of heightened alive-ness and my mind becomes bright and clear. My whole body has a tingling, exuberant sensation." The poses within the "Surya Namaskar" series have been ingeniously combined. Forward-bending poses have been countered with backward- bending ones. There are poses which stretch the legs and spine and others with strengthen those areas. The entire body is stretched upward, then inverted with the head downward--every muscle of the body gets a workout. Instead of binding muscles through contraction and restriction, "Surya Namaskar" stretches muscles as they build, so they do not rigidly lock the joints. It opens up areas of the body which are traditionally known to be "tight": the back of the leg, the hip joint, the spine, and the shoulder. Few of us realize that it is primarily the unyielding hamstring muscles at the back of the thighs that prevent us from touching our toes when we bend forward. Tightness in the hip joints is the major reason why sitting cross-legged may be so uncomfortable. The hips relay their discomfort down to the knees and the ankles for that effect of complete agony. Tight shoulders send their tension up to the neck and have a constricting effect of the chest and lungs, which in turn inhibits full and deep breathing. When tension is lodged along the spine and the energy is not periodically balanced, the whole body begins to deteriorate. The spine is the life of the body. The nerves and blood supply to the various bodily organs originate along the different spinal vertebrae. When the muscles around the bones are tight and out of shape, it reduces the ability of the blood stream to supply nutrients to the organs. The blood supply and muscle tome affect the health of the spinal discs or cushions of fluid between the bones. When these muscles are not separating the vertebrae at the proper distance, the vertebrae compact together and the discs may become compressed and dislocated. This can cause them to press against the nerves producing sciatica, slipped discs and so on. "Surya Namaskar" also increases the rate of metabolism. A sluggish system allows food to sit in the stomach for long periods of time until it eventually rots. The poisons it produces circulate throughout the body and eventually cause different diseases. "Surya Namaskar" increases metabolism and helps remove waste build-up in the body. When practiced with speed, it has an aerobic effect on the body, increasing the breath and heart rate. For this reason it is very important to take a few minutes to rest, lying on your back on the floor after a practice, to allow the bodily functions to return to normal and the body's energy to settle again. Otherwise you might experience fatigue afterwards, instead of an uplifting, natural boost. "Surya Namaskar" also regulates the breathing process. In times of anxiety, anger, and other strong emotions, our breathing pattern changes, becoming short or rapid or almost ceasing completely. Through this practice our breathing pattern can develop an habitual steadiness. The rhythmic breathing sequence within "Surya Namaskar" gradually increases one's capacity for life. When the sequence begins to flow very smoothly, coordination of the mantra along with the breath intensifies its power. "Surya Namaskar" is hatha yoga condensed into a powerful, compact series. Practicing the movements until they flow smoothly increases the flexibility, strength and breathing capacity. It makes the body and the mind come alive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- one moves slowly through each of the 12 positions while controlling the breath. this is considered one "round". you do one round each morning after awakening and "cleaning up" for several weeks until you can flow through the round without much conscious thought. a round takes about 3 to 4 minutes. then you increase the practise to 2 rounds for several weeks. 3 to 4 rounds each day is the final must be done each and every day for the full benefits to manifest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a picture/instruction chart is available to those who want one at the cave.